Now that Samsung has officially unveiled their flagship Galaxy S5 smartphone to the world, it’s only a matter of time before the nation’s cell carriers begin selling it. Although there’s no official statement on when the Galaxy S5 will be available for sale, there’s reports that T-Mobile plans to sell both the 16 and 32 GB models. Leaked Photo Reveals 16 and 32 GB Options on T-Mobile According to the Android website, T-Mobile will in fact sell the 16 and 32 GB model Samsung Galaxy S5. The site claims that an unnamed “tipster” emailed a screenshot of T-Mobile’s purchase page, showing an option for both the 16 and 32 GB Galaxy S5. We don’t have confirmation of the photo’s authenticity, but it certainly looks like the real deal. And if is fake, it’s a really good one! But Wait, There’s a Catch… If you closely at the T-Mobile screenshot, you’ll notice something rather surprising: the 16 GB Samsung Galaxy S5 will only be available in stores, whereas the 32 GB model will only be available online. Yep, if you want to get your hands on the larger 32 GB model, you’ll have to order it online. T-Mobile isn’t the only…