International Samsung Galaxy S5 Receives Firmware Update

August 14, 2014


While most people are busy talking a bout the new Samsung Galaxy Alpha, owners of the launch-edition Galaxy S5 may notice a new firmware being rolled out. Samsung quietly began updating international Galaxy S5 devices (not the U.S. versions) to firmware build G900FXXU1ANG9 earlier this week. The update is still in the early stages, with only a few select European markets receiving it via over-the-air (OTA) transmission.

Now for the million dollar question: what exactly does this nw firmware update do? We still don’t know the full details, but early reports suggest it’s a minor update which brings performance improvements, greater stability, and bug fixes to the international version of Samsung’s flagship smartphone. Firmware G900FXXU1ANG9 does not introduce any new features or utilities that we know of. Regardless, it’s the official firmware for the international version of the Samsung Galaxy S5 model SM-G900F, so you should definitely use it on your device.

Here’s what we know about the new international Galaxy S5 firmware update:

  • Model: SM-G900F
  • Model name: Samsung Galaxy S5
  • Country: South east Europe
  • Version: Android 4.4.2
  • Changelist: 2089850
  • Build date: 25 July
  • Product code: SEE
  • PDA: G900FXXU1ANG9
  • CSC: G900FOXX1ANG5
  • Modem: G900FXXU1ANG8

Like all of Samsung’s firmware updates, G900FXXU1ANG9 will be gradually rolled out in European markets in the upcoming days. Don’t panic if your device is still using a previous version, as it may take some time for the South Korean company to complete the rollout. With that said, you can manually install it on your Galaxy S5 if you aren’t willing to wait.

In order to manually install the new firmware update, you should first create a backup copy of your device (to prevent against permanent data loss). There are several different tools designed to perform backups. You will then need to download and install the Galaxy S5’s USB drivers on your PC, followed by debugging these drivers. Charge your Galaxy S5 to a minimum of 80% power and then proceed with the install.

We aren’t going to reveal the step-by-step process for manually installing the new firmware on the Galaxy S5, but International Business Times has an excellent guide posted on their website. Be warned, though, there’s always an inherit risk of data loss and/or system failure when performing manual updates. This is why we recommend European users wait for Samsung to perform the OTA update.

Have any other details about the firmware update you’d like to share? We’d love to hear them!

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