Camera Problem Identified on Limited Number of Galaxy S5 Devices

April 28, 2014

One of the key selling points of the Samsung Galaxy S5 is its 16-megapixel rear-facing camera. Most users have praised Samsung for delivering such a powerful camera on an otherwise small device. Recently, though, the South Korean manufacturer has come under fire for camera failure issues. While the problem isn’t related to all Galaxy S5 devices, some users have complained and Samsung is listening.

You don’t have to search very hard to find complaints posted online about the Galaxy S5’s faulty camera. From forums to blogs, hundreds of people have taken to the Internet to voice their frustration with Samsung. According to users’ reports, the Galaxy S5 generates a “camera failure” message when attempting to take a picture; thus, rendering this feature useless.


Galaxy S5 photo by Karlis.

Verizon Wireless Models Are Affected The Most

It’s important to note that Verizon Wireless model Galaxy S5s are being affected the most. Far more reports of the faulty camera have come from Verizon Wireless customers, leaving us to ask the question: is it an issue with the carrier? That would certainly make since if the problem was limited strictly to Verizon Wireless devices, but it’s not. Sprint, AT&T and T-Mobile users have all reported the same “camera failure” error message on their device.

Will The Problem Fix Itself?

In a perfect world, problems such as the Galaxy S5’s camera failure would fix themselves without any assistance, but unfortunately this isn’t the case. Once the error message displays on the Galaxy S5, the camera hardware becomes permanently disabled. Restarting, rebooting and even restoring the device to factory settings will not fix the camera.

What You Should Do

Samsung is aware of the Galaxy S5’s camera issue and is working around the clock to fix it. They recently released a statement asking all customers who are experiencing this issue to call either their customer support line or their cell carrier for warranty information. Whether or not there’s a viable fix for this problem remains to be seen.

We have learned that a limited number of Galaxy S5 devices may have an issue that causes ‘Camera Failure’ pop-up error message,” a Samsung spokeswoman told the Wall Street Journal in an email. “We ask that customers affected call 1-888-987-4357 or visit their carrier for service under Samsung’s standard limited warranty.

Have you experienced any issues with the Galaxy S5 camera? Let us know in the comments section below!

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